Seattle, Washington
K-12 Principal Credentials–University of Washington, 1981.
Ph. D./Higher Education–University of Washington, 1978.
M.A./ Educational Administration–University of Washington, 1973.
Standard Certificate–University of Washington, 1971.
B.A./Education–University of Washington, 1967.
Boogie Woogie Crisscross. Asheville, NC: MadHat Press. This is a poetry e-mail exchange between Gallagher when she was in Ireland and Matsuda was in Seattle. It is a collaborative “jazz jam” like session that covers a wide range of topics, both serious and humorous. The illustrations are by Alfredo Arreguin, Josie Gray, Matt Matsuda, Matt Sasaki (cover) and Roger Shimomura. Gallagher, T. and Matsuda, L. (2016)
Fighting for America: Nisei Soldiers. Seattle, Washington: Wing Luke Museum and the Nisei Veterans Committee Foundation. The graphic novel focuses on six WWII Nisei veteran heroes and their combat experiences in Europe and Asia. The soldiers are: Shiro Kashino, Frank Nishimura, Jimmie Kanaya, Roy Matsumoto, Tosh Yasutake, and Turk Suzuki. All the soldiers won the Congressional Gold Medal as well as numerous awards, ribbons and medals. Matt Sasaki illustrated the work. In late 2016, chapter two, Frank Nishmura, was made into a 20-minute video by the Seattle Channel and will be entered in the 2017 Emmy competition. L Matsuda (2015)
Co-edited the book Community and difference: teaching, pluralism and social justice, Peter Lang Publishing, New York—winner of the 2006 National Association of Multicultural Education Phillip Chinn Book Award.
A Cold Wind from Idaho (poetry), Black Lawrence Press, New York, 2010.
Seattle Nisei Veterans Committee and Wing Luke Museum graphic novel project funded by the National Park Service. (2014-2015).
University of Washington Alumni Association, article on the Multicultural Alumni Partnership. (2014)
Glimpses of a Forever Foreigner (poetry and art by Roger Shimomura), CreateSpace, Charleston NC, 2014.
Poems appear in Ambush Review, Raven Chronicles, New Orleans Review, Floating Bridge Review, Black Lawrence Press website, Poets Against the War website, Cerise Press, Nostalgia Magazine, Plumepoetry, The Far Field (Washington State Poet Laureate website) Malpais Review, Zero Ducats, Surviving Minidoka (book), Meet Me at Higos (book), Minidoka-An American Concentration Camp (book and photographs), and the Seattle Journal for Social Justice. In addition, eight of his poems were interpreted and featured in a 60 minute dance presentation entitled, Minidoka performed by Whitman College students in Walla Walla Washington (2011).
Educational Consultant—Matsuda Educational Consultants (part and full time)
Consultant to the Seattle Public Schools on Facilities Design and Construction for the redesign and remodel of Beacon Hill Elementary, Cleveland High School, Denny/Sealth, Garfield H.S., Hamilton M.S., Ingraham H.S., Nathan Hale H.S., Secondary Bilingual Orientation Center H.S.(SBOC), SBOC/NOVA , South Lake H.S., South Shore K-8, and The New School.
Other recent consulting projects: Heery International, Rolluda Architects (Ferndale School District), Snohomish School District, Planning Alliance (New Orleans), University of Washington Bothell, and Everett Center for Career Alternatives. (2002-2012).
Visiting Assistant Professor (part-time)
College of Education (COE) special projects faculty (2006). COE faculty for the Governor’s Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee Bryne Grant to the Seattle University Ronald Peterson Law Clinic supporting Special Education parent advocacy case hearings at the K-12 level (2002-2005). College of Education Project Manager for the Connecting Ideas Project to improve programs for serious behavior disorder elementary, middle and high school students at Oak Grove and Firwood Schools as demonstration sites for best practices, program replication and state and national dissemination (2002-2006). Grant writer for the project and grant writer for two other College of Education grant proposals.
Visiting Assistant Professor & Director Educational Adm. Programs–Seattle University (full-time)
Taught EDAD 567-9 –Leadership for Change Seminar, taught EDAD 544-6 –Administrative Practicum, taught EDAD 572-The Principalship and supervised administrative interns for principalships Administered the educational administration programs (2000 to 2002). Course content included high school conversion, successful design principles, best practices, funding and effective policy development, national policies, state policies, effective strategies, alliances with organizations, program evaluation, funding opportunities, community relations, funding, impacting public policy and promising concepts.
Part-time Principal Assessor/Mentor for Association of Washington School Principals AWSP (2001-2). Mentored a senior high school vice principal in areas of improvement based on a diagnostic assessment and personal growth plan. (2000-2)
K-8 Principal, COHO/NOMS–Seattle Public Schools
Administered a grade K-8 alternative school of 570 students. Headed and coordinated the merger, move, remodel, and relocation of two alternative schools and one program: COHO Elementary, the New Options Middle School (NOMS) and COHO Kids Care, an on site child care. School programs included addressing the Districts Academic Standards and Benchmarks, state WASL objectives, service learning, community service, Friday ski school, Fall/Spring NOMS Outdoor education program, Spring COHO Outdoor Education program, HAM radio, peer mediation, and fund raising in conjunction with the Site Council, COHO Board and PTSA: United Way for COHO/NOMS, Direct Giving Program and Annual Fund Raising Auction. (1999-2000)
Middle School Principal, New Options Middle School (NOMS)–Seattle Public Schools
Administered a grade 6-8 alternative school of 330 students. Programs included addressing State Essential Academic Learning Requirements, service learning, community service, Friday ski school, Fall and Spring Outdoor education experiences for the entire school, HAM radio, peer mediation, and fund raising in conjunction with the Site Council and PTSA: United Way for NOMS, Direct Giving Program and
Annual Auction. School awards included: the “Spirit of the Game Award” for Ultimate Frisbee, the Boys’ Basketball Good Sportsmanship Award, the all District Sportsmanship Award, winners of the Mitsubishi Journeys Project Competition (a trip for seven to Japan), and first place in the Math Olympics in two categories. (1998-9)
Educational Consultant, (self employed)
Consulted in the areas of National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education ( NCATE) accreditation, K-20 strategic planning, K-20 educational administration, K-12 desegregation planning, K-12 multicultural programs, educational research design and K-12 program evaluation for: Magnet, Math, Compensatory Education, and Levy Redirect programs: contracts with the Puget Sound ESD (Tacoma Public Schools Magnet evaluation) , Seattle Public Schools, Suzuki School of Music , North American Association of Environmental Education, and University of Washington College of Education Seattle Campus, Bothell
Campus and Tacoma Campus. (1995-8)
Visiting Professor, Seattle University
Taught Education 505, Educational Research Design, Educational Administration 583, School Finance, supervised administrative interns for principalships, Educational Administration 564,565 and 565, assisted with the development of the School of Education Strategic Plan and provided project
Management support for the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education Review of the School of Education at Seattle University. Course content included elementary and secondary content regarding: state funding formulae, effective funding policies, national grant opportunities, designing educational research projects, best educational practices, constructing new knowledge through research, quantitative research methods, qualitative research methods, and evaluation designs.
(1993- 1996)
Assistant Superintendent, Evaluation, Assignment and Support Services, Seattle Public Schools
Directed Districtwide operations in a multi-ethnic (56.5 percent minority) district of 44,000 students for Testing/Evaluation, Program Audit, Student Information Services, Magnet Programs, Student Assign-ment/Parent Information Centers, Transportation, Conflict Prevention/Intervention, Archives, Student Hearings, Special Programs, Interagency Programs (high school), Central Discipline Office, Proyecto Saber (grades 9-12), Homeless Programs (elementary), Samoan Programs (secondary), Chapter 2, Custodial Operations, Security, Grounds/Maintenance, K-12 Child Nutrition Services and Utilities and Communication Services. Administered a 40 million dollar budget, reported directly to the Deputy Superintendent and served as a member of the Superintendent’s Senior Management Team, The Restructuring Oversite Committee, and the Task Force on Weapons Committee. This involved testimony before the legislature to support policies that supported an urban factor for the Seattle Public Schools as a part of improved state funding. 1992 -1993– retired from the District in June 1993.
Assistant Superintendent, Strategic Planning, Evaluation and Assignment, Seattle Public Schools.
Directed Districtwide operations for Strategic Planning, Testing/Evaluation, Program Audit, Student Information Services, Magnet Program grants, Student Assignment/Parent Information Centers, Trans-portation, Conflict Prevention/Intervention, Archives, Special Programs, Disproportionality Monitoring, Interagency Programs (high school), Indian Heritage High School, Indian Street Youth Program, Proyecto Saber (secondary), Homeless Programs (elementary), Samoan Programs (secondary), Chapter 2 grant and secondary Gypsy Programs. Administered a 22 million dollar budget, reported directly to the Deputy Superintendent and served as a member of the Superintendent’s Senior Management Team, the Restructuring Oversight Committee and Strategic Planning Oversight Committee. 1991-1992
Assistant Superintendent, Student Support Services, Seattle Public Schools.
Directed operations for Strategic Planning, Student Assignments/Parent Information Centers,
Transportation, Data Clearing House/Student Information Services Office, and Program Assessment,
Curriculum Services and Professional Development, Academic Achievement Project, Library/Media
Services, Teacher Resource Center, Textbook Adoption, Evening School (high school), Special Project grants and Athletics. Administered a 20 million dollar budget that provided support services to three
zones consisting of 60 elementary, 10 high, 10 middle, and six alternative schools. Served as a member of the Executive Management Team and reported directly to the Deputy Superintendent. 1990-1991.
Executive Director, Student Assignment Services, Seattle Public Schools.
Directed District operations for Student Information Services, Parent Information Centers, Student Placement, Testing, Evaluation, Transportation and Archives. Served as a member of the Superin-tendent’s Cabinet and reported directly to the Superintendent. The student assignment portion included a partnership with the Boeing Company, a private funding agency. 1989-1990.
Director, Magnet Program Grants, Seattle Public Schools.
Directed and managed a citywide portfolio of the District’s federal and local magnet grants located at 19 school sites. Reported to the Assistant Superintendent of At-Risk and Multi Cultural Services. 1989.
Director, Equity, Evaluation and Compliance, Seattle Public Schools.
Directed District operations for Evaluation, School Desegregation, Student Transportation, Affirmative Action, Disproportionality, Retention/Retrieval, Conflict Intervention, Chapter II grants, Magnet Program grants and Intercultural Training. 1989.
K-6 Principal, Seattle Public Schools.
Operated a Kindergarten-Sixth grade program at Olympic Hills Elementary School. Instituted a Sixth Grade Outdoor Education and Grade 1-6 Science Program. Instituted projects using staff, District
Resources, and volunteers to paint halls, science room, gym, auditorium, stage and Learning Resource Center. Designed and implemented four murals for foyer and hall walls. Promoted PTA projects that
purchased playground equipment and a reading loft for the Kindergarten classroom. Served as the Chairperson for the District’s Reading Management Committee. In 1984 served as the Curriculum Principal for Reading, Math, and Language Arts. 1983-1989.
Coordinator, Bilingual Programs, Seattle Public Schools.
Administered and managed a $4.7 million dollar bilingual program funded by state, local and federal grants with 165 staff serving, 2700 students, in 22 elementary, 7 middle, and 10 high schools. Developed the District’s Bilingual Program budget. Managed state and federal grants. Authored State and federal grant proposals. This included successful testimony before the state superior court to implement a statewide policy change that included bilingual programs as a part of the state basic education funding formula. 1978-1983.
Instructional Program Administrator/Asian American Specialist, Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Provided technical assistance to school districts in Washington State on grant development; compliance with federal and State affirmative action and Bilingual Education laws and regulations; and inservice to staff on multicultural education. 1975-1978.
Staff Assistant to the Assistant Vice President, University of Washington, Office of Minority Affairs.
Provided administrative support for the Assistant Vice President in project development and student services for minority students in the University of Washington’s Educational Opportunity Program. 1972-1974.
Academic/Personal Counselor, University of Washington, Office of Minority Affairs.
Advised and counseled entering freshmen and continuing students on academic and support programs. 1971-1972.
Instructor, Seattle Central Community College.
Taught Asian American history classes. 1970.
Grades 7-9 Teacher, Seattle Public Schools.
Taught Language Arts and Literature, grades 7, 8, and 9. 1968-1971.
SPECIAL SKILLS: Long Range Planning/Boeing Project Management
Applying the Boeing Project Management approach, the methodology used to build airplanes, to create the Seattle School District’s Strategic Plan. Implementing complex projects using cross-divisional teams and collaboration on: the automation of the Seattle Public School Student Assignment Plan, the Annual Opening of School Task Force and the Seattle School District Transportation Routing System using. This project also included a partnership with the Boeing Company for technical support.
Matsuda, Lawrence, Ph.D., “The Role of Culture in a Bilingual Program,” Bilingual Journal, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1978.
Matsuda, Lawrence, Ph.D., and Karen J. Matsuda, R.N., M.N., “The New Asian Immigrant and Cultural Differences,” U.S. Conference of Mayors, Seattle: 48th Conference of Mayors, June 1980.
Matsuda, Lawrence, Ph.D., “Proving Loyalty”, Banner , Seattle University. Seattle, Washington. 2002.
Matsuda, Lawrence, “Restoring Order to the School-Design Process”, Daily Journal of Commerce, Seattle Washington, August 12, 2004.
Pena, R., Guest, K. & Matsuda, L. Community and Difference: Stories for Teaching, Pluralism and Social Justice. Peter Lang Publishing, New York. 2005
Title IV CRA–State National Origin Desegregation Grant, Superintendent of Public Instruction. $80,000/year funding level. 1976-1978.
Title IV CRA–National Origin Desegregation Project Grant, Seattle Public Schools. $87,000/year funding level. 1979-1982.
ESEA Title VII Basic Bilingual Grant, Seattle Public Schools. $330,000/year funding level. 1980-1983.
ESEA Title VII Bilingual Peer Tutoring Project Grant, Seattle Public Schools. $34,000/year funding level.
ESEA Title VII Newcomer Project Grant, Seattle Public Schools. $300,000/year funding level. 1980-1983.
American Express Philanthropic Grant, Center for Career Alternatives, Seattle, Washington. $10,000 funding level. 1993
City of Seattle Capital Improvement Block Grant, Center for Career Alternatives, Seattle, Washington.
$20,000 funding level. 1994
Ronald McDonald Charities Grant, Fred Hutchinson School (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center School affiliated with the Seattle Public Schools), Seattle, Washington. $5,000 funding level. 1995.
U.S. Government Civil Liberties Education Program (CLEP) Grant, Japanese American Citizens’ League, Seattle, Washington. $20,000 funding level. 1997
Connecting Ideas Project Grant , Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Seattle University and Clover Park School District, Seattle, Washington. $59,000 funding level. 2003 and 2004.
A Conceptual Skills Development Kit: Tangrams, An Ancient Chinese Puzzle (Elementary Level),
Superintendent of Public Instruction. Olympia, Washington. 1976.
English/Vietnamese Lessons (Adult Level), Superintendent of Public Instruction. Olympia, Washington. 1975.
Ethnic Anthology (Elementary Level), Superintendent of Public Instruction. Olympia, Washington. 1975.
Models for the Evaluation of Bias Content in Instructional Materials (K-12), Superintendent of Public Instruction. Olympia, Washington. 1975.
Teacher Resource Packet for Vietnamese Students (Teacher Training), Superintendent of Public Instruction. Olympia, Washington. 1975.
Bilingual Education Needs of School District in Western Washington, Superintendent of Public Instruction. Olympia, Washington. 1976.
Seattle Public Schools African American Academy Program Evaluation Report, Puget Sound ESD Research and Assessment Center, Seattle, Washington. 1996.
Seattle Public Schools Federal Magnet Evaluation Report, Puget Sound ESD Research and Assessment Center, Seattle, Washington. 1996.
Seattle Public Schools Federal Title I Evaluation Report, Puget Sound ESD Research and Assessment Center, Seattle, Washington. 1996.
Tacoma Public Schools Federal Magnet Evaluation Report, Puget Sound ESD Research and Assessment Center, Seattle, Washington. 1996
Seattle Public Schools City Levy Redirect Program Evaluation Report, Puget Sound ESD Research and Assessment Center, Seattle Washington. 1997.
Seattle Public Schools District Math Program Evaluation Report, Puget Sound ESD Research and Assessment Center, Seattle, Washington. 1997.
Tacoma Public Schools Federal Magnet Evaluation Report, Puget Sound ESD Research and Assessment Center, Seattle, Washington. 1997.
Seattle Public Schools City Levy Redirect Program Evaluation Report (Summative Evaluation), Puget Sound ESD Research and Assessment Center, Seattle, Washington. 1998.
Asian Image Poster Project–Curriculum Posters, Asian Multi-Media Inc., Seattle, Washington. 1975.
They Cast a Long Shadow, A History of the Non-White Races on Bainbridge Island. Minority History Committee, Bainbridge Island School District. Bainbridge Island, Washington. 1975.
Filipinos Among Us–Film Strip, Clover Park School District, Filipino Educators of Washington, and the Superintendent of Public Instruction. Tacoma, Washington. 1976.
Washington State Superintendent of Public Instruction Equity Audit Taskforce. Olympia Washington. 1994
North American Association for Environmental Education (Washington D.C.), VINE/FUN Follow -Through Action Research Expert. Seattle Washington. 1994-6.
Seattle Public Schools, Student Assignment, Desegregation and Facilities Master Plan consultant. Seattle. 1996-7
University of Washington College of Education, NCATE consultant. Seattle, Tacoma and Bothell Washington. 1997.
Puget Sound Educational Service District, Evaluator–Center for Research. Seattle Washington. 1996 -1998.
Association of Washington School Principals, Principal Assessor/Mentor. Olympia, Washington. 2001-2.
Seattle Public Schools, facilitator/educational consultant, –for the remodel and redesign of Beacon Hill Elem., Cleveland High School, Beacon Hill Elementary, Denny/Sealth, Garfield H.S., Hamilton M.S., Ingraham H.S., Nathan Hale H.S., Secondary Bilingual Orientation Center, South Lake H.S., South Shore K-8, and The New School. 2002-2012
Bilingual Teacher Training, Asian American Bilingual Center (Berkeley, Calif.)/Seattle
University/Superintendent of Public Instruction. (2 Extension Credits) 1975.
Bilingual Institute, Seattle University. (10 Credits) 1976.
Multi-Ethnic Curriculum, Everett School District/Western Washington State College/ Superintendent of Public Instruction. (2 Credits) 1977.
Vietnamese Language and Culture, Bainbridge Island School District/Western Washington State
College/Superintendent of Public Instruction. (1 Credit) 1977.
Curriculum Writer, Asian American Bilingual Center, Berkeley, California. Three Social Studies Units–Grades 2-6. 1977 and 1978.
Poet/reader, University of Washington Castilla Poetry Series, 1981-1984
University of Washington, Ford Fellows Science and Math Project Teacher Leadership Seminar. 1989-
Co-presenter, Council for Exceptional Children 2003 CEC Annual Convention, Interdisciplinary Special Education Legal Representation: A Unique Role for Educators. April 2003.
Poet/reader, Whidbey Island Writer’s Conference, Kobo at Higo Gallery, Elliot Bay Books, Liftfuse (San Francisco), Friends of Minidoka Closing Ceremonies 2005, Day of Remembrance Portland 2005, Seattle University MIT program, University of Washington (Minority Psychology class), St. Petersburg College, Seattle Community College, Peninsula College, Vashon Island Writers Festival, Civil Liberties Symposium (Idaho), Whitman College, Pilgrim School (Los Angeles), Northwind Arts Center (Pt. Townsend), Fresno Buddhist Church, Northwest School, and Tampa Bay News Reading Festival.
National Title VII ESEA, Washington, D.C. 1975
Urban Rural Racial Disadvantaged Program (Washington State), Olympia, Washington 1976.
Title VII ESEA Special Projects (DHHS Region X), Seattle, and Washington 1977.
Staff Writer, University of Washington Daily, Seattle, Washington. 1969.
Elected Precinct Committeeman, Precinct 37-113, Seattle, Washington. 1970 and 1972.
Contributing Artist, Wing Luke Museum Annual Auction, 1976 and 1977.
Member, Asian Directors Coalition, Seattle Washington. 1990
Committee Member, Living History Project, Intiman Theater, 1992
Committee member, Safe Schools Advisory Board, SPI, Olympia Washington. 1993
Committee member, University of Washington’s Presidents Task Force on the Undergraduate
Experience. 1993-4.
Executive Board member, Chair of the Academic Excellence Committee and Chair of the Strategic Plan Committee, University of Washington Alumni Association, 1992-4.
At-Large Member, Board of Trustees, University of Washington Alumni Association, 1992-1995.
Treasurer, Board of Trustees, University of Washington Alumni Association, 1994-5
Volunteer tutor and grant writer, Fred Hutchinson School, 1995
President -elect Board of Trustees, University of Washington Alumni Association, 1995-6
Volunteer grant writer, Japanese American Citizens’ League, 1997
President Board of Trustees, University of Washington Alumni Association, 1996-7
Treasurer, Multiculural Alumni Partnership, University of Washington Alumni Association 1997-8.
Advisor, Multicultuaral Alumni Partnership, University of Washington Alumni Association 1996- to present.
Wine taster, Washington State Liquor Board. 2002- present.
Chair Japanese American Remembrance Garden Project, Seattle University. 2004 to 2006
Board of Trustees, Cornish College of the Arts, 2011-2014.
University of Washington Alumni Association, Multicultural Alumni Partnership, Dr. Sam Kelly Award-2003
University of Washington Alumni Association, Distinguished Service Award, 2004
Northwest Asian Weekly, Lifetime Achievement Award, 2006
National Association of Multi-Cultural Education Phillip B. Chinn book award, 2006.
Association of Washington School Principals
Washington Association of School Administrators
Principals’ Association of Seattle (past member)
National Association of Asian and Pacific Island Educators (past member)
Washington Association of Asian and Pacific Island Educators (past member)
Washington Association of Bilingual Educators (past member)